Thursday, August 28, 2008


Tonight I got my new favorite painting. By a beautiful a talented young artist you may or may not know Miss Tara Chisholm, my cousin and Taylor's godmother. I gave her a picture of a painting that I liked from another favorite artist of mine and asked her to make the little girls look more like my little girls and she did a good job. The painting was a small fee of $50 with proceeds going to cancer. Not only is she beautiful and talented but she has a big heart. Got to love her. Thanks Tara.
That's all for now.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Worse Before Better.

So today was the first day of Taylor and Eastynn getting dispilned for there bad behavior. What a long day. Taylor so far has had 3 time outs. But the plan is a time out for whining and time outs for not listening. So basically if she doesn't do what I say she isn't listening. She gets 15 minutes at supper and lunch to eat and if she doesn't she is free to go if she does eat then she gets a treat. I also started setting the timer when it comes time for clean up. I am not focusing on the toy room as of now but they have 15 minutes to pick up there toys if its not done those toys go away and they can either earn them back with good behavior or by eating and at the end of the week I will give them back. Who knows how that will work.
Someone told me it will get worse before it gets better and wow were they right. I hope it all works out because her attitude and whining are getting a little extreme.
That's all for now

Monday, August 25, 2008

Swimming Fun

Last night we went swimming it was pretty fun considering the wave pool was half drained and unusable. Taylor was so funny she yelled as soon as we got the pool shrunk. And Eastynn was equally cute. She was in the tot pool and plugged her nose and tried to go under the water it was so funny.
That's all for now.
PS check previous post I have finally posted some new photos.

Eastynn Pics

Here are a few of Eastynn at Skye's birthday.
That's all for now.

Pics of Taylor and The Girls Together

Here are some pics of just Taylor and the 2 of them together at Skye's Birthday.
That's all for now

Skye's Birthday

This Saturday we went to Skye's first birthday. Eastynn and I met Skye and her mommy at babyfit classes in the winter/spring. Eastynn really enjoys hanging out with her swimming friends.
The girls had so so so much fun at Skye's birthday. Skye had a HUGE backyard with a little swimming pool, a little swing set, and a little playhouse. It made me really jealous I really wish we had a back yard or any yard for that matter.
Here are some pictures of Eastynn's friends Skye and Marcus.
That's all for now.

Juliana's Birthday Party

Taylor was invited to a birthday party on Aug 17th. Yep that's bad that I am this far behind but couldn't find the cord to upload pics and that is my excuse and I am sticking to it.
I think she had fun at the party, she was probably the youngest at the party and apparently felt left out at times but she will survive. She still plays with the Juliana, so I guess it wasn't that bad.
That's all for now.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Taylor's Swimming Lessons All Done :(

So Friday was Taylor's lessons are all done. She did pass though. Both her and I are sad it is over it was a nice little get out in the morning. I wish we had more stuff like that to do.
Anyway she passed she got a little book with a sea-turtle sticker. She is very proud of herself and so is her mommy. I can't wait till the next one or till soccer or gymnastics haven't decided what to put her in yet.
That's all for now

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Taylor also started swimming lessons on Tuesday the first 2 days were great they played around maybe went under the water a couple times that was it. Then day 3 all went out the door when they put Taylor in a life jacket and made her go in the deep end. I seen it coming a mile away. As soon as they put on a life jacket I knew she was going to have a fit, little did I realize it would carry on for 40 minutes well after the class was over. Friday was bad she was still traumatized from the day before. But as soon as Tuesday class she was GREAT I think cause grandma and grandpa Mellor came and watched. That totally made her day. She did so great I was really proud of her and today she did even better. I was getting scared that she was going to be scared of the water.
That's all for now

Taylor's Birthday Party

I know it has been a long long time since I have posted. I was going to wait till I had photos uploaded but I can't seem to find the cord to upload.
Well Taylor had her birthday party on Aug 10th. She had 4 other kids show up to her birthday part. Juliana, Jaileah, Nathan and Jacob. Lots of adults showed up though. We had Great-Grandma Chisholm, Grandma Mellor, Juliana's mom Trina, Jaileah's dad Robbie, Nathan and Jacob's mom Shauna,Uncle Daniel and Auntie Linda, also Auntie Velvet, Uncle Darren, and Logan.
The kids had some gross looking hot dogs, then they also had ice cream cake.
Then we opened presents and that was that.
The kids had a blast though and Taylor got some pretty nifty gifts.
The only bad thing about them getting older is there presents are messier and small so so so small its crazy got to love polly pockets.
That's all for now

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Eastynn's First Time Out

The girls have been very good at not listening or obeying me or Fabian lately. So today I gave Eastynn a little task to do that I knew she was more than capable of doing and the answer was NO. Her favorite word right next to the word MINE. I asked her again with the same answer. So I thought well its not fair that she can get away with not doing anything and Taylor always has to clean up her toys so that was that she got her little 2 minute time out. I have not even been really looked at by her since the incident but oh well. We are having issues with Taylor and I think if we would have started discipling her at a younger age we would have been better off.
Although I think it is just a bad day for everyone in this house.
I will try to post again tomorrow evening with some pictures of Taylor's birthday party. We are going to have some supper and then we are going out for awhile this evening need to get some things for around the house and for the party tomorrow.
That's all for now.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Eating Has Taken A Turn For The Better

I can't believe the difference in Taylor's eating. We use to have a fight with her at breakfast (not to terrible), lunch and supper were so stressful though. I came up with the idea that I should set a timer for 15 minutes. This way if she finishes before the 15 minutes is up she is free to leave the table if not in a sense she is getting a time out. It has worked fantastically the last few days by her eating all of her meals I love it.
Eastynn on the other hand is usually in her chair for the full 15 minutes although it doesn't bother her all that much.
Eastynn is doing well in her big girl bed it takes a little longer for her to fall asleep but all in all she is doing very well. Taylor is doing really well in her big girl bed too. She use to get in and out of bed but consider her big sister duties are a lot bigger now she is doing well. I tell her she needs to stay in bed to show her little sister how a good big girl sleeps in her own bed.
Eastynn's vocabulary is growing daily and I love it I was thinking she was a little slow in the talking department but if you listen closely you can pick up what she is saying. Taylor is getting so smart too, she said to us on the way home is that a quarter moon? We were both shocked and amazed as well as dumb founded I have no idea where she picked that up but I am loving how smart my little girls are becoming.
That's all for now

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


After talking to some of the other parents this weekend I think it maybe time to put the crib away. Fabian is buying Eastynn a toddler bed, we had planned on getting her a Winnie The Pooh bed but could not find one so she is getting a princess one just like Taylor's. I hope this works but we will have the play pen handy just in case she keeps escaping from her bed, although I told Taylor she has to be a good big sister and show her little sister she needs to stay in bed like a good girl so I hope that will help.
I want to become a more consistent parent with punishments to I think I will start the 1-2-3 time out. Suppers are so stressful around here I think the 1-2-3 thing will help. Also with cleaning up toys and listening to me and Fabian. I think that covers all that. I think the household will soon be peaceful or it will be war. Hopefully it will peaceful I think all 4 of us could deal with a lot less stress.
That's all for now

Aug Long Sask 2008

On Thursday we went to Sask, we didn't leave till late hoping the girls would sleep all the way there and stay asleep once we got there. It was not the case, Eastynn did not fall asleep till 10ish and Taylor fell asleep around 12. Then once we got to Grandma and Grandpa Hubers of course they woke up and had to play for a hour or so.
The next morning we went down to the camp site set up the tent and had some fun. Taylor really enjoyed hanging out with all the boys Rylan and Conner. I think she especially liked Connor although her and Connor are only a few weeks apart. Eastynn really enjoyed playing with Justin.
Saturday was a fun day Taylor got to go fishing with Papa, Calvin, and Daddy. Once she came back another little boy Parker was there too. We had a little birthday party for Taylor which she really loved. The boys were all relieved that this year it wasn't a princess cake. The kids all played so hard on Saturday I think it took each and every one of them about 5 minutes to fall asleep.
Sunday was probably the nicest most easy going yet fun day. The kids as usual played hard all day we hardly saw Taylor all weekend. It was nice though cause we had lots of visitors and another little girl that Taylor could play with a nice little break from such boy play for her. The kids again went to bed very well and us adults just had a good time chatting over a few drinks.
Monday we packed up which was again easy cause the kids were playing really hard we left at 7 again and this time it worked for us the girls slept all the way home and then once we got home they slept till this morning.

That's all for now