Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Getting Ready

Today we are not doing much just hanging out. I'm doing laundry, a lot of laundry. The girls and I are going to Elkwater tomorrow. One of my good friends Tamara is coming out with her little boy. So it should be interesting a 9 month old, a 18 month old and a 3 year old. The husbands are coming out on Friday I believe. I hope the weather is nice. Tamara and I have only seen each other a few times for an hour or so in the last 4 years I think. So I hope everything goes well I need some time with some good old friends. I will post lots of pictures on Monday or shortly after that.
The girls are both doing well Taylor was getting a cold but seemed to nip that in the bud really quickly and Eastynn has had a runny nose forever it seems like but I think its teething you'd think she'd have more teeth by now. One of Eastynn's cousins born on the same day I think has 8 or 9 and Eastynn only has 2. They will probably all come fast and furious.
That's all for now

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