Monday, September 17, 2007

Allergy Test.

So on Friday we went to our allergy test in Edmonton. Auntie Brooklynn came with Taylor and I. For Taylor they just tested her for pollens and such, she got ten little pricks in her arm. She was so good I couldn't believe it. And luckly had no allergies.
When they tested me they tested me for pollens and animals. I actually just did it so it would be easier for Taylor although I think she was better than me. It really hurt I thought anyway. Apparently I'm allergic to cats, mold, and grass. Which I find weird who wouldn't be allergic to mold or at least stay away from it. And grass that one makes me laugh cause I played center field for 12 years and I was a cart girl at the golf course and never had a problem. Oh well.
That's all for now.

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