Sunday, February 25, 2007

What A Weekend

This weekend was great for everyone.
Fabian's parents came down so he and the girls got to spend lots of time with them. Unfortunately I didn't spend as much time with them as I would have liked, maybe next time. I did although use them being here to get things done. I got some shopping done. I got the Eastynn one outfit and an activity center. Taylor got a swimsuit, a pair of PJ's, 2 outfits, and a toy box. I bought Fabian a new watch and he bought me a new watch via me, oh I also got a new shirt.
Friday night Fabian and I went to the lodge and celebrated our first year anniversary. It was honestly the best meal I ever had in my entire life. We didn't stay out to terribly late. It was nice Fabian and I rarely get alone time in fact we couldn't think of the last time we were alone doing something fun.
Saturday I went to play ladies singles and unlike last weekend I played well. We played a single round robin to double knock out. It made for a long day but none the less was still very fun with great competition. And to my surprise and delight I came out on top.
Tonight we went to my parents house for dinner. We had some great roast beef and yorkshire pudding one of my favorites. And watched the oscars. Taylor fell asleep at 7:30ish probably due to the extremely busy week end with Grandma and Grandpa Huber.
That's all for now

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