Thursday, February 15, 2007

Eastynn Is 2 Months

Eastynn is 2 months old today. How time fly's. She had her 2 month shots today that is really hard on a mom and a dad too. It didn't seem as bad as Taylor's shots cause she was crying prior to the needles.

The nurse mentioned that she has quite a bad temper. We're trying to figure out what side of the family that comes from. We're all pretty laid back families.

Taylor got weighed today too she weighs in at 31 lbs. Eastynn weighs 9 lbs 11 oz. And her height is 21 inches. She is in the 25 percentile for both her height and weight, I was a little concerned about her weight but the nurse said she was quite happy with her height and weight. For her head she is in the 75th percentile and there's no question where the size of her head comes from, she has the Chisholm's to thank for that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eastynn is getting so BIG! I was hoping to make it home last weekend but it's just too far..
Both girls are gorgeous..I can't wait to see you all. I wish we could be closer!
Good luck this weekend Nicky
Love from