Thursday, November 30, 2006

Last Doctor's Visit Hopefully

Today we had another and hopefully my last doctors visit. Last week I hadn't gained any weight and this week I gained only 0.4 lbs. Which the doctor seemed a little concerned about but she didn't go into much detail. My blood pressure was good, the baby's heart rate was good. The baby is still moving around really good. Good enough to just about bring me to my knees on a daily basis. Weather the baby's jabbing me in the ribs or hanging out on my groin muscles (which hurts the most). She also asked me cause the baby's head was so low if I was having contractions, which makes me think it won't be much longer. I was told to come back in a week but I'm hoping I don't have to.
On another note I'd like to wish Uncle Colin a Happy 50th Birthday I know it on December 1st but I don't think I'll post again tomorrow. Maybe I can give Uncle Colind a great niece or nephew. I have been told its a girl but I have my doubts.

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