Tuesday, November 14, 2006

37 Week Doctors Appointment

Well I should technically only have 3 more visits after today. We went to the doctor today the wait was quite awhile usually with Doctor Prince its maybe a 10 minute wait today it was at least 20 minutes. But once he came the visit went very well. He said that she has a very healthy heartbeat of 155 beats per minute. She is not to big and not to small she is going to be a very average size baby at the rate she is growing now. I also got a form where I suppose to keep track of fetal movements. They say you should have 10 in two hours which makes me laugh cause she probably could take care of that within 5 minutes. I do have a cold but the doctor said I could take some cough drops and use vicks vapo rub or a vicks inhaler.
That's all the news for this visit. My next visit is on Wednesday.

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