Tuesday, January 06, 2009

A Wii Bit Of Pain For A Whole Lot Of Fun

Yes Tamara it is punny I know.

On Saturday we went to my friend Becky's she was having a Wii Party. It was great cause the girls got to go and it was just the Huber's and Becky, Brooklynne and Becky's brother Mark. Everyone had a blast from our family at least.
We got there and watched the hockey game Canada won woohoo. Then I went through the tutorial on the wii and then Fabian went through it.
We finally started playing started of with some bowling I won woohoo again. The we did boxing. Fabian and Mark went first, Mark won. Then Becky and I went, Becky won. Then Fabian and I went, Fabian won. Then Fabian and Becky went, Becky won. I didn't want to embarrass myself anymore so I didn't play against Mark. Then we played golf I think Mark beat everyone at this AGAIN. We played one more game of bowling and I am not sure who won it was a good game though every one was withing a few pins of each other I think it was Becky though. Then we played some Guitar Hero I was clearly the worst player on that one oh well. Fabian and Beck were pretty good.
The girls had so much fun they passed out around 11pm very late. At least the older girls slept our little Eastynn was just giving er right till the bitter end which was 2:30am. I couldn't believe it I asked what time it was and it was like 1:30am I didn't even think it was 11:00pm yet.
That's all for now

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

oh Eastynn is SOOOO Much like Landon. I was looking at the pics thinking 'Landon NEVER would've gone to sleep at a sleep-over!' LOL Glad you had fun though ... we'll get together and just let Landon and Eastynn play all night together while the rest of us sleep ;-)