Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Awesome Morning

Today it was something so simple that made me so happy. I got up once Taylor went to school and laid on the couch and from 8:30-10:30 Eastynn laid down with me. It was awesome for a couple reasons cause first of all she is 2 to get a child to sit never mind laying down is a miracle secondly anyone who knows Eastynn well knows that she is a kid that is just well her she doesn't like cuddles at all. I loved it except the little elbows in the ribs and stuff but I would take it again in a second to have another day like that. So precious for me.
Taylor will lay down and cuddle with me everyday I so enjoy my time with her don't get me wrong but with Taylor it happens probably 3 times a week. With Eastynn well apparently once in 2 years.
That's all for now

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