Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hearing Test

A little while ago I got the girls speech assessed and they figured it would be a good to have there hearing tested. Today was the day we had there hearing tested. The man who did the girls tests was so good with the girls it was really awesome. They did a couple tests that I had no idea what they were. I guess one was to check if the girls had fluid behind there ear drum. The second test not sure what that was but they both passed. Then he had a little camera and looked in there ears which was so neat I always wondered what it looked like.
Then they took Taylor in the sound proof both and showed her a bunch of pictures then put some headphones on her and then from another room he asked her to point to the pictures she did awesome then he did the tones and she had to raise her hand every time she heard one and that she did so awesome there. I was really proud of her. They said her hearing is great if anything to good as in sounds that would be normal to anyone else could be loud to her and loud noises to us are extremely loud to her, which I already knew from when we went to the air show in the summer.
When Eastynn went into the room she didn't wear the headphones. In the room they had 3 boxes with a toy and a light in it on the wall, one in front and one to the left and one to the right. He'd make a sound through the speaker and when she'd turn her head in the direction the sound was coming from the light would come on and the little toy would play the drums (it was cute). Then the one in front would go off to re direct her attention. Then another sound would happen and when she looked the lights would go on and the toy would play the drum. It was so interesting I really thought that was cool.
Now they have no excuses not to listen to me although the guy said they can't do much about them being mommy deaf. Oh well.
That's all for now

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