Monday, January 19, 2009

Speech And Such

Not much has been going on.

Friday I took the girls bowling with Becky and Brooklynne. It was fun even though Brooklynne was sick. After that we came home and ordered some chinese food and just hung out. Becky and I decided we need to get together a couple times a month so the girls can play. Hopefully next time everyone will be feeling fantastic.

Sunday Taylor and I went shopping with Grandma and Grandpa Mellor we got a ton of stuff I sure hope we can use all the food but we are really trying to eat and be healthier. More fruit and those handy 100 calorie snacks. 3 meals a day and 3 snacks in between.

Today Taylor had her speech and she is doing so well. It's pretty funny she will show her a card lets say a snowman Taylor will say snowman I want to build a snowman. Then stairs and she says Grandma and Grandpa have stairs. It cracks me up so much every card has a story. The teacher tries to humor her by saying oh yeah or really but just wants to move along. Taylor so loves the games there I think we need to play one game a night I think she would like that.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

Landon's just starting to like to play 'games' ... we've started with memory. He'll only do a few rounds with either 2 or 3 pairs, but it's a start.