I was on face book garage sale the other day. I found a bunk bed for $400 I talked the girl down to $350. The bunk is really quite awesome from the picture I have of it. We are going to check it out on Saturday.
It is not the exact bed I wanted but the one I is over $1600 without mattresses so obviously this one is a much better deal. When I first decided the girls would get a bunk bed this is the style I wanted, just over the last year or so I changed my mind on the type so I guess its a good thing. It has a desk and 3 drawers and some shelving.
It obviously is going to take up a lot of room in the girls bedroom but that's all right, our room has less room then the girls at the moment.
Right now the girls room has 2 toddler beds, a desk, a little dresser with 2 drawers, and a little princess couch all of that will taken out of there room. The beds we will try and sell. The rest will go in what is now there toy room.
The toy room is going to be converted into a entertainment room. I will put her desk in there with the little white dresser which I will put a TV on. Then they can have there vtech motion, v smile baby, the leap frog computer and a DVD player. It should be cute with there little princess couch there 2 little plush Dora chairs and there little spider man fold out couch.
Now there bedroom will have to take most of the stuff that is now in the playroom. So along the wall with the window it will have the dresser we got from Kennedy that we use for toy storage. Also there little Dora toy box will go in there room I am not sure where it will end up yet though. Also we got the girls letters to there name for Christmas last year that we haven't put up yet that we are going to put up with some pictures of the girls as well. I will take some pictures when its all said and done.
I am hoping putting the the toys in the girls room will help contain some of the mess to there room only. Should be some nice changes for everyone.
That's all for now