Monday, March 03, 2008

Big Weekend

What a big weekend. We went and bought a 6 month pass for the pool on Thursday.

So we went swimming just the girls and I on Friday morning, then we went and bought a bunch of swim suits for the whole family the girls suits are so cute. Then Friday night we all went swimming again.

Saturday I went and played darts. Becky and I won first time we got to play together forever it was a lot of fun. Then we went swimming again. Becky and Brooklynne showed up too. We were suppose to meet some other friends but they were gone by the time we got there. After swimming me and Taylor went to Becky and Brooklynne's for a sleep over. The girls had fun but didn't sleep so Taylor and I came home. Although Taylor still believes she had a sleep over. Brooklynne and Taylor had a lot of fun though and we will try again when the girls aren't so tired to start out with. The over tiredness didn't help in the least bit.

Sunday Fabian went and played darts, yes I let Fabian go play darts. I was getting the girls ready for a birthday. Nathan had his 4th birthday yesterday, its very hard to believe he is 4 I have been to all of his birthday parties so far. Taylor and Nathan have a huge thing going on. They get along so well. She could have cared less that there were other little girls there and Nathan could have cared less about the little boys at his party. Taylor did have a melt down cause she couldn't open Nathan's presents though. But Scotty handed out balloons and she was fine. After the party we went swimming again.

We have to use the card 30 times to have it paid for and I plan on using it as often as I can so we will probably go everyday.

On another note just want to wish Grandma Huber Happy Birthday again. Taylor and I called her and wished her Happy Birthday yesterday and Fabian called her last night. I hope you had a good day.

That's all for now

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