Saturday, March 15, 2008

New Hobby

Well I have taken up a new hobby, running. I have only went for one run so far on Wednesday, but a big one to start out with 5km. It was the first physical activity I have really done since I got pregnant with Taylor, far to long. I really liked it but am hurting really bad I started off a little to strong, for me anyway, the other 2 I was running with thought I was a wus I think. I ran about 400 meters and had to walk for about 3km LOL with very little jogging after that. Once I finally caught my breath I took my time and picked objects. Like I'll jog from this garbage can to the next one which let me keep my breathing under control and helped tremendously. I have a doctors appointment on Monday and I'm going to get an inhaler and hopefully that will help. I also plan on maybe hitting a track instead since it is all one level no ups or downs there. I also plan on using a iPod that my amazing, awesome husband bought me off eBay tonight. Maybe jog a song, walk one, jog one, walk one. I hope I can continue and enjoy it more and more. My friends that I have been running with have been very supportive calling me and checking on how I'm feeling after the run and encouraging me during the run which makes it a lot easier. I have also done a little research as well on how to build myself up so I can run with my friends with out being embarrassed. Maybe dad and I can go in a 5km run by the end of the summer that would be awesome.
That's all for now

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