Friday, March 21, 2008

Ick Ick Ick We're All Sick

I can't believe it after my last post about me and Eastynn being sick everyone is now sick.
I still have a sore tummy but not near as bad as Wednesday.
Taylor and Fabian both just got a cold today.
And poor poor Eastynn, she is getting 4 teeth 2 top molars, 1 bottom molar, and one bottom front tooth. She has a slight diaper rash that is thankfully clearing up. She also has been having the runs. And also got a cold as well. With how my tummy felt I can totally sympathize with the poor girl. I have been listening to her cough in her sleep. Its horrible now because they don't make infant cough medicine but I have been giving her motrin.
I'm not sure if I will be struck with the cold I feel like I'm already getting it. And I really hope Fabian and Taylor don't get the stomach aches that Eastynn and I have been dealing with. That's all for now.

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