Wednesday, March 05, 2008


That's all we seem to do now is go swimming. Since last Thursday when we bought our swim pass Eastynn and I have been 9 times including our baby fit class and about 7 with Taylor. We are loving it but I'm not loving all the laundry it brings. BLAH.
I'm going to maybe enter another baby fit class starting on Monday. I also tried to register the girls for some swimming lessons but they are all full. I have to wait until the spring registration. I'm also hoping I can get the girls in a class together. Or get Eastynn in one while Taylor is at school and get Taylor in one on mon and fri. Who knows but I'm excited. Fabian and I are also talking about maybe taking some lessons for ourselves. I don't have the confidence that if something we're to happen that I could save both of my girls and I really would love to have that confidence. I really like the fact that we are swimming a lot it gets us out of the house a lot and the girls aren't watching as much tv and they are sleeping better too, as am I. Our swim pass includes all of the pools in Medicine Hat which is great cause in the summer we can go to the out door pool as well. I think swimming is going to be our new hobby.
I was asked today what I do besides play darts and swim, I just shook my head and said nothing. I LOVE IT.
That's all for now

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