Sunday, February 24, 2008

It has been awhile since I have posted but not much has went on lately.

Taylor has had a very nasty cold she hasn't went to school at all over the past week but I think it is finally leaving. We didn't even allow her to sleep in the same room as Eastynn for a few days. Both the girls are starting to become healthy again. Eastynn had a cold prior to Taylors cold.

Eastynn on the other hand she has had a severe case of seperation anxiety I have dealt with so far. She cries when I leave the room. She cries when Fabian leaves the house. I think this is because of all the darts lately which will take a back seat to my girls. I will play my 2 nights and my saturday and then my evenings I will not play until after they go to bed which should be good until I go to Nationals and then I will take another break for awhile.

I played in a tournament yesterday and didn't do to well. But played again today and finished first it was a lot of fun.

That's all for now

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