Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Finaaly I Did It

After 5 long years I have finally made the provincial team.
I will tell you all about my weekend although it may not make sense to some but oh well bare with me.

So on Saturday there was a total of 34 ladies. I was a number 3 seed going into the tournament. I finished 3rd in my section not a great finish by any means. After our sections we go into a DOUBLE knock out. I made it past the first round and in the second round I got knocked down to the B side and my first round in the B I got knocked out by Jayne Osbourne. I earned a whopping 5 points fir the day. I don't remember who knocked me down to the B on Saturday.
On Sunday again there was 34 ladies. I was a disgusting 17 seed going into day 2. On this day we had 5 in our section and I finished horrible again with a number 4 finish. Yuck. I played Brenda, Anne Marie, Linda, Crystal, Judi and again I'm missing another name. But I won all my matches and won the entire day earning myself 25 points and a number 5 seed for day three.
On Monday I needed an average day. I placed second in my section on Monday. I played Marla my first match. Anne Marie C my second match and Wanda who is going to be my partner for ladies at nationals knocked me down to the B and the round after that I played Cindy and she knocked me out. Thank goodness I made 9 points for the day and secured myself 5th spot on the team.
It was a tough weekend and things looked grim at times but all my hard practice finally payed off. I can't wait to got to nationals in June. I think the girls and Fabian may go spend that week out in Saskatchewan.
That's all for now


Live your Dream Team said...

WAY TO GO! So where's Nationals? Excellent Excellent work -- very proud of you :-D

Chris said...

Congrats Nikki!! Good work!!