Monday, February 11, 2008

Fun For Mom

Woo hoo.

Mommy had her first official mommy weekend since Eastynn was born. I spent the weekend in Edmonton playing darts. The girls and Fabian and I went to Calgary since Fabian had a doctors appointment today.

On Friday Fabian took Eastynn and got her ears pierced I wanted to be there but they didn't have time to do it before my ride picked me up to go to Edmonton. On Sunday Fabian and Uncle Jason took the girls to the wave pool that I use to go to when I was a kid. I kind of wish I was there.

On Friday I played a blind draw and for the first time in forever I felt bad for the person who got drawn against me since I was drinking mommy juice. LOL. Anyway I was a little tipsy.

Which lead to a mild hangover on Saturday when I had to play ladies singles. I played really well probably cause I could only concentrate on one thing which was darts it would have hurt to bad to think about many other things. I hit a 180 and I also had to bulls eye finishes one which was 89 and the other of 128. I know most of you don't have any idea what that means but its pretty darn good. Usually I would play all the events but since I had a hangover and I was away from the girls I took the opportunity to sleep. I had another few drinks that night, which was fun.

Sunday morning I played ladies doubles and we did very well and finished joint 3rd made a little money. We started mixed doubles around supper time on Sunday which was a little late for me but so so much FUN. I played with one of the nicest guys I know at darts and we played so well together just met a tough team a little to early. But I hit another 180 in the mixed doubles and so did my partner. I also just missed a 170 finish which it the highest finish you could ever get it was very amazing. I played so well which was very much needed since provincials is next weekend.

We didn't leave Edmonton till 11 pm last night and the roads were horrible it was really scary. We didn't get back to Jay's house till 3 am. It was so sweet when I came home and ended up going to bed Taylor sat up in bed and looked at me and just said mommy in the sweetest tone it totally melted my heart. I gave her a few little cuddles and kisses and then she leaned over and gave me a kiss. One of my favorite moments of being a mom, just a little thing but I loved every second of it.

The this morning little Eastynn woke up and daddy went and got her and she cried and cried and he said to her just a second look who is that and she couldn't possibly get to me fast enough. She came and hugged me and looked at me and then hugged me and then looked at me, this carried on for at least a half hour. Another favorite moment of mommy-hood.

Today we had out portraits taken in Calgary. We were suppose to go at 10 but didn't get our act together till about 11. Not good considering that is usually Eastynn's nap time we tried getting some for awhile but with no success. We went and had lunch and came back and had a little more success. I can't wait to see the photos we won't be doing that till Friday though.

Fabian had his second 3 month check up today. That was also very successful. So I guess all together we had a super great weekend. Fabian posted more about his doctors appointment on his blog which is

That was a long post.
That's all for now.

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