Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Grandma's Little Birthday Party

Today Taylor and I thought it would be nice to do something special for Grandma Mellor's Birthday even though it is not till Saturday. We are going away on Friday so we needed to do it tonight. We made some cup cakes. Taylor made Grandma a beautiful homemade card. :) She was so darn cute. We had a little gift for her.
As soon as grandma came she was so excited to show Grandma she said look at what we made. Grandma said who are they for. She replied they are for you for your birthday.
After supper we gave Grandma her cupcakes with a sparkler on them and she sang Happy Birthday so proud and happy I wish I would have a video camera for that moment. When she gave Grandma her present it was another sweet moment. She is such a happy little girl, days like today make you realize we take so much for granted and we should be Thankful for all the little things we have in our life.
That's all for now

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