Thursday, January 24, 2008

Trying To Turn A New Leaf

So I'm trying to turn over a new leaf by keeping myself organized and energized. I would ultimately like to be going to bed at 11 and waking up at 7. Instead of what happens right now where I try and fall asleep at 11 and don't succeed till about 3 am. Then end up laying on the couch and watching the girls play instead of playing with them. Last night I took a couple sleeping pills and fell asleep at 11:30ish and was up around 7:30. Since I'm not a coffee drinker and since I'm cutting back on my Pepsi intake I'm really struggling. Hopefully it will only take a couple weeks and I will have this down pat.
As for organization. I have actually kept on the laundry since we have got back from Saskatchewan. I have never had more than 2 loads to do and I only ever do 1 a day. I also end up cleaning the girls room everyday. If I keep this up as I have been I can add a room every couple days or even weeks my house should be as Taylor would say shiny and pretty. Anyway just thought I do a quick post so I wouldn't fall asleep.
That's all for now.

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

remember that 15-minute interval thing we do with the kids to adjust their schedules .... that works for adults too!! Maybe that would be easier than taking sleeping pills and torturing yourself trying to fall asleep when you're not yet tired. Just a thought ... as I know your pain altogether too well LOL