Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Momma's Gonna Pull Her Hair Out

I have no idea what is the matter with Eastynn. She was up at 4am and then slept off and on till 6:30. That's when daddy normally gets up so while he showered I put her in front of the tv and opened the door to the bathroom and shut the door to my bedroom and got 1.5 hours of good sleep. But from the time Fabian and Taylor left this morning till 11:00 crying and whining non stop. I feel like I tried everything I gave her some tylenol and then when I had the chance some teething tablets (I did wait till it was safe) thank goodness the back of the teething tablets bottle says if your baby has been crying it may make them sleep. Here's hoping. I changed her diaper twice and I feed her twice. So I feel there is only so much I can do. She is feed, clean, and hopefully comfortable if she was in any pain. I think we were both getting mad at each other anyway so its a good thing she went down.
That's all for now.

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