Sunday, January 13, 2008

Poor Girl

I really have no idea what is wrong with Eastynn but tonight was horrible once again. Tonight got so bad I phoned health link. I couldn't even hold her she was crying so hard that I couldn't hear the nurse. She was so upset she didn't know what she wanted. If she wanted up I picked her up then she would want down so I let her down just for her to realize nope she did want up. Poor little thing and she would flail and hit me just cause she didn't know what she wanted and I had no clue what she wanted at all. Fabian and I just sat the not knowing what to do. He finally was able to rock her till she calmed down. That was after she had some teething tablets.
The health link nurse said she needed to cry like she was for 2 hours before we took her in, wow 2 hours that would have drove me up the wall. We are still not sure if she is teething or if it is an earache some things she does make me think its an earache and others just teething. Hopefully if she is teething the teeth break through soon. I hope she can make it till Monday but if not we are taking her in tomorrow. I will also try and get her to nap a bit tomorrow. She didn't nap much today an hour maybe that is 2 hours short from a normal day. I just want to make my little one comfortable.
That's all for now.

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