Friday, August 17, 2007

What's New

This week we spent a lot of time in Elkwater not a whole lot of eventful things happened.
We did some fishing. I caught 3 fish 1 small one and 2 really small ones. Taylor caught weeds and she is really proud telling everyone who asks about how fishing went.
Eastynn like I said in a previous post is pulling herself up on furniture its driving me crazy because she gets so upset that she can't stand for long and all she wants to do all day is stand.
I have a severe earache just got back from the ER I was going to go to walk-in in the morning but couldn't wait that long the pain is so bad. They cleaned up the wax build up and told me I had an ear ache and gave me some drops. But told me he could not give me anything for the pain because I'm nursing also my hearing should come back in 3-5 days. Yeah I can't hear which is bad Fabian actually had to get up with Eastynn last night I heard a cry but it was so quite i thought I was dreaming. Anyway I hope it goes away fast. Now I really feel sorry for poor Presley who had an earache August long I forgot how painful they can be.
Anyway tomorrow we are off to Calgary. I have a dart tournament. Taylor wants to go to Cheese Town aka Chuck E Cheese. Fabian has a doctors appointment early on Monday morning and were going to try and go to Calaway Park, it maybe the last time we get to go this year.
That's all for now.

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