Friday, August 10, 2007

2 Big Milestones Today

Today was a big day for the Huber's
We were driving home from Elkwater and Taylor was talking to much and getting on my nerves a little. So I said lets count. She started counting I said 1, she said 2, I said 2, and she did that all the way to 10. I started again and then at about 4 I realized my baby girl just counted to 10 all by herself. YEAH. I was so proud. Its really weird cause usually she just goes 1,2,1,2,1,2. And we have the occasional 1,2,3. But never anything more than that. It was really exciting.
And as for Little Miss Eastynn. She pulled herself up on the couch I new that was going to happen but didn't think it will be that soon. I'm thinking she will probably be walking before we want her to but we'll see.
That's all for now.

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

wow -- lots of news! Counting all the way to 10 - you tell Taylor that I think she's just the wonderfullest big girl!! And already pulling herself up - that Eastynn, she will be walking early!! That little stinker!
Sounds like you guys are having lots of fun :-)