Saturday, August 25, 2007


I know I always say we are working on a new schedule but today is day 2 in a new schedule for Eastynn and sleeping and oh my goodness its like we have a different child. I think in her own way she has been absolutely begging us for this. She is so much happier now, not that she was bad before but her whining could really get on your nerves but no whining the last couple days. She had 2 naps yesterday and slept through the entire night. So we are going to change it by 15 minutes everyday till Taylor goes to playschool.
Yeah that's right Taylor is going to play school 3 days a week in the mornings. I'm so excited to have my girls on a nice easy schedule and I think they will be happier for it to.
Eventually the goal is to have Taylor go to bed at 7:00pm and wake up at 7:00 and have a nap around 1ish for about an hour and a half. And Eastynn will go to bed at 7:00 and sleep till 7:00 and have a early morning nap around 8:45 and sleep till 10:15 and from 1ish for an hour and a half. Oh my gosh just thinking about it makes me happy. Lets hope MOM can stick with it. I totally know if it doesn't work its my fault.
Eastynn and I are also joining a babyfit class it swimming exercises more for me but some games for the little ones. I can't wait maybe I'll lose some weight in the process.
That's all for now.

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