Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Our Weekend in Calgary

We went to Calgary this weekend for a dart tournament and Fabian had a doctors appointment. I won't get into Fabian's Doctors appointment much you can check ut his blog for that. I played some darts and got a little break from the girls. I didn't play well in most of the events except the ladies doubles, which I played with a friend Linda Ledingham (who is an awesome dart player). We won the ladies doubles and surprisingly I held my own. It was a very fun weekend at darts.
As for the girls they had a blast with Jay, Jo, and Paul. Eastynn loved the fact that there furniture was so much smaller and she could stand up with ease.
And Taylor well she got spoiled by Uncle Jay cause he hasn't seen her since her birthday. She got to go to Cheese Town aka Chuck E Cheese with dad and Eastynn. On Monday we went to Calaway park just the 3 of us. I think she really enjoyed herself all weekend. And we are happy to be home and finally things can go back to normal with Fabian back at work.
That's all for now.

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