Monday, August 06, 2007

Taylor's Birthday party

We had Taylor's birthday last Tuesday. We went to Panorama Lanes and they have a play area for the little ones it was really quite nice. Our house is to small to have many people here and it was just far to hot last week to have anything outside. We had it on Tuesday because Grandma and Grandpa Huber came down for a couple days. Taylor had 2 of her friends show up Jaliah Kochie and Brooklynne Painter. It was to cute Taylor calls Brooklynne Broccoli and Brooklynne calls Taylor Tater. Way to funny.
Taylor got some really nice gifts and she really enjoyed her cake.
On Wednesday Grandpa Mellor put her name on the radio (he didn't realize it was only the 1st and not the 2nd) and she won the birthday file which means she won another birthday cake and some flowers. Very nice. So she had birthday cake again.
On Thursday Taylor's actual birthday we had Grandma and Grandpa Mellor over for supper and yet again had some birthday cake.
Then on the weekend when we were out in Saskatchewan. Grandma Huber had another cake for Taylor so we had birthday cake on Saturday and Sunday probably a couple times a day.
That's all for now.

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

HOLY CAKE BATMAN!! You guys will turn INTO a birthday cake, eating that much of it!! lol Glad Taylor's b'day celebrations were so wonderful (and plentiful). Great pics (on facebook).