Friday, August 31, 2007

Our Day In Drumheller

Today was such a great day.
We went to Drumheller the drive was a little extreme we missed the first turn onto highway 56 so we went to highway 21 then to highway 9 which would have added a fair bit of time but with the construction it was a lot of time. Other than that it was pretty good. Taylor was so well behaved and Eastynn to I couldn't of asked them to act any better.
That's all for now

Thursday, August 30, 2007


So far tonight its been a bit weird Taylor fell asleep at like 9 but on the floor. Eastynn has not been doing well she'll wake up and cry really hard for about 5 minutes. Something she doesn't normally do in our room but its been awhile since I heard her wail. So not to sure if we'll leave Taylor on the floor tonight or if we'll eventually move her in to her room. *shrug*

The Big Switch

So tonight we made the big switch and put Eastynn in Taylor's room. I can hear Eastynn crying as I type here but thats no different than any other night. Taylor will be going to bed probably around 9:00-9:30 hopefully Eastynn will be in a deep sleep and Taylor will be good and go straight to sleep. Just to keep an eye on them I set up a video baby monitor to make sure Taylor stays in bed. I'm really really really hoping this works. If not we will have the play pen set up so we can just put her in there and let sleep in our room. And then us out on the floor and couch again.
Speaking of couch, we went and made a big purchase tonight and bought a couch. This one is pretty nice and its actually a sectional with two recliners like the one we have now but with the added feature of a hide-a-bed. Now we can have people actually stay over.
And tomorrow my mom, the girls, and I are going to Drumheller to Tyrell Musem to meet up with Jo and Kirsty and go see some dinosaurs. Fabian and Jason both have to wrok unfortunately. Another plus for tomorrow is we are finally getting our leak fixed it only took well over a month but yeah.
Well Eastynn has finally calmed down and fallen asleep.
That's all for now.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Love Hate Relationship With This Schedule

I'm so loving this schedule for Eastynn its nice that she has a schedule and she's getting up earlier and especially going to bed at 7:30. Just a week ago it was midnight was probably the time she'd go to bed. But the thing I hate is I'm not use to getting up that early but once I have a shower I'm good. Taylor didn't got to bed at the time we were hoping last night but that's ok. Starting Saturday she will be going to bed at 8:00pm so she will be ready for school on Tuesday. Not sure what else to say I feel as if I have been repeating myself for the last few days sorry. But anyway...
That's all for now.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My 200th Post

I can't believe 200 posts that's a lot of writing but well worth it. I love talking about my girls.
So anyway. Eastynn is doing great on this schedule and Taylor is following suit. They were both sleeping by 8:30 last night. It's really confusing for Fabian and I we don't know what to do with ourselves cause a week ago we were all basically going to bed at the same time. Our kids are a lot happier and I'm a lot happier too.
Eastynn schedule is awesome she gets up in the morning 2 hours later a nap for 1.5 hours. Then she gets up and 2 hours later she goes down for 1.5 hours. Then shes up for quite a while and then at night she sleeps a little over 12 hours. I love it we were going to join the baby fit class but that couldn't find the one we wanted which actually is okay because it was during nap time and we don't want that. I'll wait till after Jan. cause then she should be down to one nap a day.
That's all for now.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Still Going Strong

Well, I'm surprised but Eastynn is still going strong she's trying to fight it a bit naps are a little tough today but Fabian and I are going to be strong. All the books and experts say consistency is the key. So we are trying to stick to our guns which is kind of hard considering we are both suckers. Anyway that's all for now.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


I know I always say we are working on a new schedule but today is day 2 in a new schedule for Eastynn and sleeping and oh my goodness its like we have a different child. I think in her own way she has been absolutely begging us for this. She is so much happier now, not that she was bad before but her whining could really get on your nerves but no whining the last couple days. She had 2 naps yesterday and slept through the entire night. So we are going to change it by 15 minutes everyday till Taylor goes to playschool.
Yeah that's right Taylor is going to play school 3 days a week in the mornings. I'm so excited to have my girls on a nice easy schedule and I think they will be happier for it to.
Eventually the goal is to have Taylor go to bed at 7:00pm and wake up at 7:00 and have a nap around 1ish for about an hour and a half. And Eastynn will go to bed at 7:00 and sleep till 7:00 and have a early morning nap around 8:45 and sleep till 10:15 and from 1ish for an hour and a half. Oh my gosh just thinking about it makes me happy. Lets hope MOM can stick with it. I totally know if it doesn't work its my fault.
Eastynn and I are also joining a babyfit class it swimming exercises more for me but some games for the little ones. I can't wait maybe I'll lose some weight in the process.
That's all for now.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Our Weekend in Calgary

We went to Calgary this weekend for a dart tournament and Fabian had a doctors appointment. I won't get into Fabian's Doctors appointment much you can check ut his blog for that. I played some darts and got a little break from the girls. I didn't play well in most of the events except the ladies doubles, which I played with a friend Linda Ledingham (who is an awesome dart player). We won the ladies doubles and surprisingly I held my own. It was a very fun weekend at darts.
As for the girls they had a blast with Jay, Jo, and Paul. Eastynn loved the fact that there furniture was so much smaller and she could stand up with ease.
And Taylor well she got spoiled by Uncle Jay cause he hasn't seen her since her birthday. She got to go to Cheese Town aka Chuck E Cheese with dad and Eastynn. On Monday we went to Calaway park just the 3 of us. I think she really enjoyed herself all weekend. And we are happy to be home and finally things can go back to normal with Fabian back at work.
That's all for now.

Friday, August 17, 2007

What's New

This week we spent a lot of time in Elkwater not a whole lot of eventful things happened.
We did some fishing. I caught 3 fish 1 small one and 2 really small ones. Taylor caught weeds and she is really proud telling everyone who asks about how fishing went.
Eastynn like I said in a previous post is pulling herself up on furniture its driving me crazy because she gets so upset that she can't stand for long and all she wants to do all day is stand.
I have a severe earache just got back from the ER I was going to go to walk-in in the morning but couldn't wait that long the pain is so bad. They cleaned up the wax build up and told me I had an ear ache and gave me some drops. But told me he could not give me anything for the pain because I'm nursing also my hearing should come back in 3-5 days. Yeah I can't hear which is bad Fabian actually had to get up with Eastynn last night I heard a cry but it was so quite i thought I was dreaming. Anyway I hope it goes away fast. Now I really feel sorry for poor Presley who had an earache August long I forgot how painful they can be.
Anyway tomorrow we are off to Calgary. I have a dart tournament. Taylor wants to go to Cheese Town aka Chuck E Cheese. Fabian has a doctors appointment early on Monday morning and were going to try and go to Calaway Park, it maybe the last time we get to go this year.
That's all for now.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Taylor's New Found Hobby

On our trip we went out into the boat with Papa Huber and found that Taylor loves fishing. She fished a little with a few of us on saturday and on sunday I didn't go but she really seems to like it.
Uncle Daniel and Auntie Linda ended up buying her a Dora fishing rod. And we have used it a few times since then. I have even went out and got some fishing stuff but not sure if I'm doing it right but we are trying.
That's all for now.

Taylor's Third 3rd Birthday

Grandma Huber decided to get Taylor another cake. She got her a princess cake. Her cousins who are big fans of spidy and teenage mutant ninja turtles were not exremely thrilled with the cake but I think they still ate it anyway.
That's all for now.

People Holding The Babies

Some good pictures of friends and family holding the babies.
One picture of Uncle Pat and Presley both in their rock shirts
One is of Uncle pat holding Eastynn
Auntie Sylvia not holding but sitting next to her grandson Justin
The twins Lorna and Lois holding the 2 born on Dec 15th.
Also Unlce Pat holding Eastynn while Grandma Huber feeds her ice cream

That's all for now.

The Babies

While camping the girls got to meet some of there cousin's. Presley and Eastynn are in fact born on the same day. It was funny watching them together because Presley is so much bigger than Eastynn and laid back. But oh so adorable.
Then there is Justin he is going to be 1 on the 16th if I remember correctly. Him and Eastyn would play, play, play beside each other but it was fun to watch nonetheless.
That's all for now.

Aug Long Weekend

I know I should have done this hmmm about a week ago but either I can't post or somethng is always happening one of the girls getting upset.
So anyway....
Last weekend we went to Round Lake, Saskatchewan. Which made Grandma Huber extremely happy cause its been forever since we have been out that way.
We were suppose to leave Friday at 2 but got out of here early at around 11:30 but never let on that we had left early, so we surprised Grandma and Grandpa Huber. Who just had told Cara and Phil but hadn't got to tell Dorris and James yet so it was a nice surprise for some and a huge surprise for others.
We got to see lots of family and had a lot of fun watching the kids play.

2 Big Milestones Today

Today was a big day for the Huber's
We were driving home from Elkwater and Taylor was talking to much and getting on my nerves a little. So I said lets count. She started counting I said 1, she said 2, I said 2, and she did that all the way to 10. I started again and then at about 4 I realized my baby girl just counted to 10 all by herself. YEAH. I was so proud. Its really weird cause usually she just goes 1,2,1,2,1,2. And we have the occasional 1,2,3. But never anything more than that. It was really exciting.
And as for Little Miss Eastynn. She pulled herself up on the couch I new that was going to happen but didn't think it will be that soon. I'm thinking she will probably be walking before we want her to but we'll see.
That's all for now.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Taylor's Birthday party

We had Taylor's birthday last Tuesday. We went to Panorama Lanes and they have a play area for the little ones it was really quite nice. Our house is to small to have many people here and it was just far to hot last week to have anything outside. We had it on Tuesday because Grandma and Grandpa Huber came down for a couple days. Taylor had 2 of her friends show up Jaliah Kochie and Brooklynne Painter. It was to cute Taylor calls Brooklynne Broccoli and Brooklynne calls Taylor Tater. Way to funny.
Taylor got some really nice gifts and she really enjoyed her cake.
On Wednesday Grandpa Mellor put her name on the radio (he didn't realize it was only the 1st and not the 2nd) and she won the birthday file which means she won another birthday cake and some flowers. Very nice. So she had birthday cake again.
On Thursday Taylor's actual birthday we had Grandma and Grandpa Mellor over for supper and yet again had some birthday cake.
Then on the weekend when we were out in Saskatchewan. Grandma Huber had another cake for Taylor so we had birthday cake on Saturday and Sunday probably a couple times a day.
That's all for now.