Friday, January 15, 2010

Taylor's Dentist Appointment

On Wednesday Taylor had a dentist appointment. She has been complaining of a sore mouth for quite awhile. At first we thought it was cause she didn't want to eat supper, but soon found out it wasn't. She was all geared up for the dentist appointment. Although her mouth hurt pretty bad I even had to pick her up early from school.
The entire family went I wanted Eastynn to see its not so scary so that she can soon have an appointment. She was very interested in what was going on the dentist sent the girls to go pick out a toy. The dentist told us that Taylor has many cavities and it is best to just put her under to get that done. So she will be undergoing dental surgery on March 11th. Other than that it has been very quite around here.
That's all for now

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