Sunday, January 03, 2010

Happy New Year

On New Years Eve we went to a wedding, Grandma Huber's best friend Lois' son got married.
Just Grandma and Taylor went to the ceremony, with Calvin, Brooklynn, and Luke.
We all went to the supper which was delicious.
Taylor made some friends, Eastynn made a enemy a little guy there who was also 3. He scared her a little and there was no turning back for her, she was also very tired which may have had something to do with it. Taylor's little friend Max was adorable, he was only 2 I really hope they can see each other again. They even got a few professional photos done together.
Although I didn't stay to long cause Eastynn passed out and I wasn't feeling to great it was nice while we were there. I did spend my night with Brooklynn, Eastynn and Luke, although Luke was sleeping poor little guy was just burnt out and teething. Which was really nice too, Brooklynn and I rarely get to just hang out.
Grandma, Papa, Calvin, Fabian, and Taylor stayed. Taylor apparently danced the night away I am really sad I missed that though.
That's all for now

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