Sunday, January 03, 2010

The 2 Day Drive Home

We left Sask on Jan 1. It was very hard on the girls and a little hard on Grandma too.
First off the van didn't start we should have taken that as a sign. We hit the road and no real problems till after Regina. After Regina there was some blowing snow which really wasn't to bad slowed us down a little bit though. Even when we hit Swift Current it wasn't so bad but the second we left city limits all hell broke loose. We decided to turn back. It was not worth us risking our lives to get home when we wanted. We stayed the night at a motel and hit the road in the morning. The roads were much better no real issues at all.
The last couple days we have been trying to tidy up and we did a really good job of catching up on the cleaning my goals were just getting the toy room clean and the bedding done and its done.
Now to start on all the good stuff. Back to school and work in the morning for Taylor and daddy. Mommy starts her workout routine and hopefully get a lot more cleaning done and a lot less time on the computer. Lets hope I can stick to this.
That's all for now.

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