Saturday, September 26, 2009


I forgot my camera both yesterday and today when we went swimming.
We went yesterday and we seen someone I play darts with and his daughter at the pool. It took Taylor forever but she finally went and played with little Nikkie and they had so much fun. All Taylor did was ask when she could go see her again.
So today we ate supper then went to the pool and Nikkie was there along with her little cousin Marlee (Taylor is in gymnastics with Marlee) all three girls had a blast playing together and Eastynn had a blast playing with me or Fabian.
Both girls went down the slide today, Taylor even went on the rope, and believe it or not both girls went on the diving board. Taylor went on and walked off but it didn't take her long to get the courage to try again and then we couldn't keep her off the diving board. Eastynn on the other hand wanted to go got scared but Fabian lowered her as low as he could and dropped her and I was at the bottom to catch her I was so proud. Then we came home and made sundaes with sprinkles, whip cream, and cherries. Had a quick bath, a bed time story, and bedtime.

Taylor's thoughts this week,
"Mommy why did you buy 2 girls?"
I say "What do you mean?"
Taylor says "From the Hospital me and Eastynn why did you pick us?"
I say "you grew in my tummy I just went to the hospital so they could take you 2 out."

Then today
"Mommy how did me and Eastynn get in your tummy?"
I say "God put you there." aiaiai Where does she come up with this stuff

That's all for now

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