Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Sunday Bowling

On Sunday after swimming we came home and had supper then headed out to bowl. We bowled 2 games and instead of playing with both Eastynn and Taylor when it was Taylor's turn, Eastynn would throw one ball and Taylor would throw 2, then the next shot Taylor would throw one and Eastynn would throw 2. They like bowling for the first 3 frames and Eastynn was into her drink and then a slush. Taylor was into all the candy machine and her slush.....and Tyler. She told me while bowling when we got home from bowling she had to have a wedding before bed. I asked her who was getting married and she said me and Tyler. For how much she hung off him and needed to be with him all the time that this is her very first crush. Poor guy never got a minute to himself all weekend. I think I ended up winning both games we played. I won the second game in the last frame we were all very close it was a lot of fun.
That's all for now

1 comment:

Chris said...

not competitive at all it!!