Sunday, September 20, 2009


Yesterday was Taylor's first day at gymnastics. She really enjoyed it I watched her do most of the things and it is amazing how great her attention to detail is, I just wish it was when she is listening to me. I think this is going to be something she really enjoys and hopefully will stick with. Eastynn starts tomorrow. I think today I am going to take the kids to the library its my turn.

I almost forgot one of my favorite moments as a mom so far. On the way to gymnastics Taylor and I were just talking and she said "Mommy I am going to get you a very special birthday present."
I said "Oh yeah what are you gonna get me."
She said "Papa"
I said "I liked the one I had before and he is the only one I ever want"
She said "That's okay I will just go to the hospital and buy you the same one as before."
I instantly had my eyes well up with tears and I said "oh Thank you honey but I don't think we can do that, I wish we could but we just can't."
Oh how I wish we could do that.

That's all for now

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