Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Taylor's Monday

Monday was a big day for Taylor. First thing in the morning she got her "big kid" needles. I was upset to see it doesn't get easier as they get older just as sad as the baby needles but she was very brave. Then we had her speech, she is so funny every person we passed she told them she got needles, she is not she in the least. She did well in her speech as usual not sure how many more we have left but she is talking so much better than she use to. Then we went and registered her for soccer, she is so excited about the fact she is going to play soccer, as a softball player I must admit I am really excited about her playing soccer too. In the afternoon we went and bought her soccer gear, she got some little adidas socks that have the shin guards built right in, she also got a pair of little adidas cleats (so cute), and also a little pair of umbro soccer shorts. All she needs now is a pair of cute soccer pants in case its cold but she has some other ones for the time being.
That's all for now

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