Monday, September 29, 2008

OH Geez

Well yesterday was a full day. We got up everyone did some cleaning and what not. The girls cleaned there toys. I made lunch and did the dishes while dad cleaned the car and installed the new car seats.
Taylor and I after lunch went shopping cause Grandma Huber phoned after reading my blog to see how Jason was doing and to tell us she would replace Taylor's vtech that isn't working. Which is awesome and I thank you for both checking on Jason and replacing it Taylor loves it. I don't know what we would have done with out one till Christmas.
We also went swimming after supper which both the girls seemed to enjoy Fabian and I did as well. That was our special day.
Once we got home Taylor immediately started complaining of a tummy ache cause it was after all bed time. She did however have a tummy ache she had an accident in her room she couldn't make it to bed thankfully it only ended up on her jammies and one of her blankets so I gave her a bath and put her back to bed and she seems to be fine today.
Today I was laying on the couch while Eastynn was napping and all of a sudden Taylor comes and shows me a cup she broke I told her it was ok and told her to throw it away. She said there was some in the toilet so I went and checked it was nothing worth digging out so I flushed the toilet and as I watched it go down out of the corner of my eye I seen a chunk of hair. It shocked me then I looked up a little and there was another chunk in the garbage and some hanging out of the brush on the counter and another chunk in the sink. Yes she cut her hair with a pair of scissors you get in with the baby nail clippers, which I left out so I will take the blame for this one. I hope when Fabian takes her for a haircut later tonight that they can make it look decent I am not sure they can though. I took a few pics though. It was weird cause I was using the scissors this morning and thinking I can't believe they haven't tried cutting there hair yet. Oh well I think lots of kids do this. Hopefully it will be the last time though.
That's all for now.

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

I can't really see where she cut her hair in these pics ... it mustn't have been that bad. Certainly she did a better job on herself than I did on Landon LOL