Friday, September 19, 2008

The Dentist

This morning Fabian, Taylor, and I went to the dentist. It was our first appointment in a few years same with Fabian. It was Taylor's very first dentist appointment ever. I wasn't there when she got her x-rays I was in with the dentist. She did very well. Both the dentist and his assistants were absouletly awesome with her. She has the start of a cavity but don't want to do anything about it right now.
Fabian has a couple cavities that will be fixed shortly.
I have a few problems. I have a few cavities, I also have a root canal from before they believe didn't heal properly because I have tmj which means I am a teeth clencher. I have caught myself clenching my teeth twice during this post already. So after my cavities are filled the are going to make me a night guard so I don't clench at night. I am just suppose to try my hardest not to clench during the day. My jaw at the moment is very sore from him making me open and close so much in the short time I was there. Sure will be nice when all is over and done with.
That's all for now.

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

John has a night guard & it's helped tremendously. that could be part of your headaches too!
Do try not to clench -- I do it during the day and cracked a tooth -- now I have troubles with it. I have a cap but I think I've cracked that too or something b/c it hurts again :-/