Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Eastynn's Needles

I took Eastynn for her 18 month needles today even though she is 20.5 months old. I totally had forgotten about these ones.
She did awesome. The lady stuck the first one and Eastynn let out a little whine but then the nurse and I clapped and said yay. The second one stung a little more but she still cried less than 5 seconds I would think it was to cute.
Her stats though are she is 30.5" long and her weight is 22lbs. She is between the 10th-25th percentile for both and always has been so she said that is good.
So even though she is not 24 months yet they say if you take the childs height and times it by 2 that is what there height will be as an adult so she will be about 5'0" she will be taking after a few special loved ones in that department, grandma Mellor, auntie Brooklynn, and auntie Velvet oh well 3 great ladies. Taylor I believe is suppose to be a mere 5'5" I thought she would be close to 6'0". But thank goodness and hopefully that is correct for Taylor's sake.
Also at her doctors appointment once again I got in trouble for Eastynn not drinking milk. She said I need to get her to drinking 2 cups of milk a day. Ya right. Her juice in take is suppose to go from about 1 liter to 1/4 cup. I think the lady might have been on glue. She made a comment you wouldn't let her ride a bike without a helmet. I said Its juice. Anyway I am going to try and cut her back on the juice and see if I can some how get some milk in her I have no idea how though.
That's all for now

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

HAHAHAHA Have fun cutting back on juice and increasing the milk ... when kids don't like stuff, well, good luck getting them to eat it!! Maybe you can dilute the juice ... mix half / half with water ... that way she gets the same amount of liquid, but less juice?? That's what I used to do with Landon. I have NO idea about getting more milk into her ... the flavoured straws maybe? I dunno....