Where to start so much but so little has been going on.
Last Sunday Fabian and Eastynn were involved in a minor car accident. They were rear ended coming out of a parking lot. The damage is all in the back of the vehicle and will cost about $4500 to fix, which the other driver insurance will cover. They are also going to replace the car seats. Which if anyone has tried to find a car seat that goes from 5-80lbs is quite a challenge especially to get a couple that match. So I ordered them and they should be here on Oct 1st, long time to wait for car seats. The van goes in on Oct. 6th to be fixed and then we will get a rental till our van is fixed it better be a nice one. Eastynn didn't seem to get hurt at all in the accident. Fabian went to physio last week and has a few more appointments, we are hoping it is just some minor stiffness.
Calvin and Brooklynn stopped by on Wednesday night, we didn't see them on Wednesday. But on Thursday Brooklynn spent the day with me and the girls while Calvin and Daniel went and picked up a track hoe (I think that's what it was anyway). Fabian had to work. Us girls didn't do a thing all day we watched some tv and colored that was about it. We ordered some Chinese food we all ate Calvin, Brooklynn, Daniel, Linda, Fabian, Taylor, Eastynn and I. Then Cal and Brooklynn went and said bye to the girls Eastynn gave Calvin a little cuddle it was very cute. That day was far to short.
Friday Fabian had to work after the dentist at the college and then he went to learn the new system at his other job. It kind of sucked cause my dad hurt his back really bad he has a herniated disk and is in a lot of pain. He was rushed to the hospital because no one else could help him into a vehicle. We are hoping things get better soon.
Taylor has developed a new attitude that mom and dad don't appreciate what so ever. Although with her back talk and lack of respect today. She ended up losing a lot of privileges not to mention toys that weren't picked up.
Eastynn is no better she had a couple time outs today for her temper tantrums and not listening. Hopefully the attitudes leave soon and I can have the sweet little girls that I know and love.
Eastynn is a lot more interactive now. She is talking a lot most of the time you can't understand her but she probably has 20+ words in her vocabulary although she babbles non stop sometimes for 5 minutes at a time like she is totally telling you a story. She is definitely my cuddle monster. She is not as sensitive as Taylor but definitely needs her cuddles throughout the day.
Taylor is becoming a little girl more and more and leaving the toddler stage way to fast. She can play her video games all by herself and very well. She goes outside with the neighbor kids and doesn't need a whole lot of supervision there anymore. She is taking her dance class and loving every second of it. At school she is learning her letters and her numbers doing a lot of pre-k (kindergarten) stuff.
That's all for now