Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas Decorating Is Coming To A Finish

My mom brought it to my attention that I have not posted since we have done the majority of our Christmas decorating done.
Now we have the window done, the window whole thingy from our kitchen to our living room. On the shelf going frm the kitchen we have a little sleigh and reindeer which both light up now (the reindeer didn't work the first night). We also have a little fiber optic snowman. We have our Christmas tree which looks good but we need a tree topper. We have our stockings hung. We got a little tree that you can put family photos its awesome. We also have a Santa table cloth and 4 Santa place mats. Just a few more outside lights to hang up and then we are done.
I also got the majority of the presents wrapped it going to be nice to have all the stresses of Christmas gone in the month of December so we can just enjoy Christmas and get into the Christmas spirit.
That's all for now.

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