Sunday, June 24, 2007

Weekly Update

I went and played in an open singles (men and women)tournament on Saturday. I played better than usual but I didn't play well when I needed to. There were 15 people and I finished 5th in my section and got knocked out first round. But still made $20 because they payed out top 2 women. So that kind of rocked. I'm also going to get my hair cut this week cause the weight is giving me headaches.

Now Fabian he is doing good. As most of you know if you read his blog his hair is gone now. But he has been getting some golfing done. "The girls" bought him a golf pass for father's day so I think this year he has been out 4 times so far.

Taylor is doing good one a few accidents this week. She is talking really well now too pretty much full sentences. She is start to catch on to the fact that everyone has there own name. Instead of calling everyone Si which we figured out was scotty.

Eastynn is doing really well too. She is not sleeping a lot that is kind of frustrating but nice that I can ask Fabian for help though at night. She is eating rice cereal and oat cereal. She has also tried pea, carrots, and sweet potatos. I think she will be crawling soon she gets on all 4's and rocks back and forth and usually does a face plant into the carpet. It's to funny.
That's all for now.

1 comment:

Live your Dream Team said...

crawling soon!! Ho boy! She's an adventurous little one hey!! lol Landon didn't crawl until 9 months, I was fine with that!