Saturday, August 05, 2006

Taylor's Birthday

Oh my oh my What a day. We had Taylor's birthday party on Aug 3. It was so much fun. With great food, great family and friends (although some very important people couldn't make it), good presents and all and all good times. Taylor was quite the little actress opening presents and just chucking the gifts to get to the bottom of the bag and then quickly moving on to the next present and doing the same thing. She got lots of clothes and toys some toys that make to much noise. Although the giver of that gift has a child younger than our little Taylor and you know what they say about pay back. LOL. She got bubble blower from my cousin Alex and his fiance Lindsay, which was a hit not only with Taylor but most of the adults as well. We ate the cake after we opened present which I believe now was a mistake because she could have cared less about the Dora The Explorer Ice Cream Cake we got from Dairy Queen, she just wanted to chase bubbles and play with all of her new toys. Live and learn I guess I'll know better for next year (which will come far to quickly I'm sure.)
Till next time

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