Wednesday, August 09, 2006

5 Month Check Up

Today we had our 5 month check up for Eastynn. I have a bunch of test this month, blood work o see if I have gestation diabetes, just normal blood work, I also have to get a shot in case Eastynn and I are not the same blood types RH or something. I gained a whole 4kg not pounds but kg. Yikes that's frightening. The doctor also tried to listen to the baby's heart beat on a Doppler on which the batteries were dying, he found this quite funny. As he was telling me that the baby's heart beat was funny he was laughing I knew it was the machine so it wasn't really all that funny to me. I swear the doctor thinks he's a comedian some times and he's actually very very dull. When he measured my stomach and went to write it on my chart he informed me it was going to be a big baby. You can only imagine my enthusiasm on that one. Then the comedian in him came out and he said its not like its going to be a 12 pounder. I'm still pretty scared about how big she's going to be. I'm actually considering having a c-section if its over 9 lbs.
that's all about Eastynn

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