Its seems as if Taylor is feeling better. She still isn't sleeping that great but she's eating a whole lot better and she's drinking a whole lot better too. She seems to have a lot more energy again. Although that may have something to do with mom to it looks as though the tired stage has finally passed so I'm able to pay a whole lot more attention to her. We are getting up at a reasonable hour and having breakfast and a snack then some lunch and a nap. After her nap we have another snack and supper then a bath then its bed time. Its so nice to have a routine again. And extremely nice to have energy finally after six months it maybe the nesting time. Either or lots is getting done.
Well its bath time I think I'm going to go join her cause my back is a little sore from cleaning.
Till next time
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
So Much For Teething
What I thought was teething turns out to be a lot worse than teething. Taylor has strep throat. I was talking to my mom about the symptoms which I thought were teething and she thought it maybe strep. So I gave her a bath and phoned health link and they told us to take her to the ER as soon as possible cause they thought she maybe getting dehydrated. She wasn't dehydrated but they confirmed that she had a very severe case of strep throat. She did really well considering she should have probably been in bed at 7:30 and its now 10:00. She shed a lot of tears which in turn made me tear up a little but she was very good, considering how tired she is and how much pain she must be in. Hopefully this won't last long and hopefully she WON'T start teething till this is all cleared up. Will keep everyone posted.
More Teeth
Well I think we maybe on our last two teeth with Taylor. She is drooling more than I have ever seen before and she is grumpy. She is not drinking or eating much either, when she does take a drink she will whine or cry. Today she fell asleep on the couch at 10:30 and her nap is normally at 12:30. The sleep has been disturbed a little but not near as much as the eating and drinking. So hopefully we can get over this soon. And won't have to worry about teeth till Eastynn gets her first teeth. That's it about Taylor for now.
Getting Ready For Eastynn
This week we bought a lot of stuff to prepare for Eastynn's arrival. We bought some more bottles and nipples. We also bought the bedding we got the Ocean Wonders fisher price bedding to match everything else we have, the swing (which Auntie Heather and Auntie Velvet bought), the portable swing (which Eva, Fabian's mom bought), the mobile (which Eva bought too) and the high chair. Its not very girlie but neither am I and it would be wrong if I went with flowers or something femine wouldn't be me. My mom also bought the crib mattress. We have the crib too. And today Fabian went and got the car seat so besides some clothes we are ready. Now we just have to wait for Eastynn and honestly if I new she'd be healthy I'd be happy with any time but I think we'll have to wait till our due date which is exactly 100 days away from today.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Uncle Jay
Uncle Jason is moving home and the official count down is on. Only 39 more days. I can't wait. It will be so nice that he can be a part of the girls lives from now on. I'm sure he can't wait either. He will actually get to see Eastynn as soon as she is born and be a part of Taylor's life now. CAN"T WAIT I"M SO EXCITED.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Eastynn's first cool pic

I have sent this to most of you but thought I should post for those of you who have not seen this. To cute she's a show off already. Just letting us know that everything is good. This is also about 5 weeks old. Enjoy
taylors hair cut photos

Here are the photos I promised about Taylor's haircut sorry it took so long. They are not very good the batteries on the camera were dying when I was taking the pictures. The shirt she is wearing in the photo was sent all the way from England from Auntie Glad. I have no idea what it means but I guess my dad and everyone from England knows exactly what it means. Thanks Glad.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Taylor's 4th Hair Cut
Today after my appointment we took Taylor for yet another hair cut. I swear this kids hair grows faster than anyone's I know. She has had 4 haircuts now since the wedding. She sits unbelievingly well for a 2 year old. This time she got a lot cut off not just the usual off the bangs and a little off the sides. It looks a lot different but oh so cute I will have to take some pictures in the next couple days and post them.
Till next time.
Till next time.
5 Month Check Up
Today we had our 5 month check up for Eastynn. I have a bunch of test this month, blood work o see if I have gestation diabetes, just normal blood work, I also have to get a shot in case Eastynn and I are not the same blood types RH or something. I gained a whole 4kg not pounds but kg. Yikes that's frightening. The doctor also tried to listen to the baby's heart beat on a Doppler on which the batteries were dying, he found this quite funny. As he was telling me that the baby's heart beat was funny he was laughing I knew it was the machine so it wasn't really all that funny to me. I swear the doctor thinks he's a comedian some times and he's actually very very dull. When he measured my stomach and went to write it on my chart he informed me it was going to be a big baby. You can only imagine my enthusiasm on that one. Then the comedian in him came out and he said its not like its going to be a 12 pounder. I'm still pretty scared about how big she's going to be. I'm actually considering having a c-section if its over 9 lbs.
that's all about Eastynn
that's all about Eastynn
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Taylor's Birthday

Oh my oh my What a day. We had Taylor's birthday party on Aug 3. It was so much fun. With great food, great family and friends (although some very important people couldn't make it), good presents and all and all good times. Taylor was quite the little actress opening presents and just chucking the gifts to get to the bottom of the bag and then quickly moving on to the next present and doing the same thing. She got lots of clothes and toys some toys that make to much noise. Although the giver of that gift has a child younger than our little Taylor and you know what they say about pay back. LOL. She got bubble blower from my cousin Alex and his fiance Lindsay, which was a hit not only with Taylor but most of the adults as well. We ate the cake after we opened present which I believe now was a mistake because she could have cared less about the Dora The Explorer Ice Cream Cake we got from Dairy Queen, she just wanted to chase bubbles and play with all of her new toys. Live and learn I guess I'll know better for next year (which will come far to quickly I'm sure.)
Till next time
First Post August 5,2006

Its kind of hard to start a blog about your children when one is already two years old and the other one hasn't even arrived. But better late than never I guess. I will do my best to let people know about Taylor and what she is doing or has done in the last little while. I will also try and let everyone know how Eastynn is treating me and how often she is moving. I will also let you know how things are going with Fabian and me.
I have a friend, Tamara, who is doing this with her son and I look forward to her new posts and she made me realize I should have been doing this a long time ago. Especially since I have family from all over.
Well lets get this started my girl Taylor had her second birthday on the second it was a lot of fun. Although I found it very emotional, last year I was so excited for her first birthday I didn't reflect on the impact she has had on my life this year I was watching the clock and reminiscing on the events that had happened two years earlier. It was really weird to see how much she has changed my life. I'm such a better and happier person now.
Now to Eastynn. We have hit the 5 month mark yesterday. From day to day it goes really slow but when I look how far we have come it has been flying by. She is starting to kick a lot at night but stops as soon as Fabian tries to feel her. Hopefully she'll stop that soon I'd like for him to be able to feel that as much as possible. I have been having severe back aches lately, so bad I have been sleeping on the floor which helps but sucks cause its so hard on the rest of my body. My legs have also been achy the last couple days but I think that is from chasing Taylor around on her birthday and not use to moving around and running up and down stairs as much as I did that night.
that's all for now.
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