Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Eastynn's Birthday Party

Eastynn had the best birthday party a 4 year old girl could have.
She had her friends Sam, Jessie, Little Brooklynne, and Willow come over to the house. We had hot dogs and cupcakes, then opened some presents.

After that we went to the play Cinderella it was so much fun. The kids got to participate by booing, hissing, and cheering. At the end the kids went up and danced on stage with the cast. One of the cast members was actually Eastynn's speech therapist. She was so awesome in the play one of the best characters by far.

Then all the girls got there pictures done in the princess carriage. Which was so cute.

Taylor and Eastynn were so excited to get there pictures done with Miss Carolynn from school (Eastynn's speech therapist), Little Brooklynne jumped in too.

All the girls with the exception of Sam who was a little to shy got there pictures done with the fairy godmother and Cinderella.

Surprisingly Eastynn was the one who was eager to get her picture done with as many of the cast as she possibly could. Prince Charming, one of ugly step-sisters, and Buttons (who was basically the narrator of the story).

After the play all the kids went home and Shane, Pam, Maddy, Kenny, and Jackson came over for pizza and more cake, the girls all played it was such a great day.
That's all for now

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