Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Days Leading up to Christmas

The days leading up to Christmas were pretty boring for the girls I am sure. We did last minute running around. We did get to spend a lot of time with uncle Jason so the girls loved that.
Jason, mom, and I also got to spend a lot of time wrapping tons of Christmas presents.
Christmas Eve was pretty busy.
We had roast beef dinner and we had a few people stop by to drop of gifts and made cookies.
The best part of the night was the "Reindeer food". Eastynn was given reindeer food from her school. We went and put some on the sidewalk and then kind of by the door. About a hour or two later Pebbles was barking and Eastynn went to check out why she was barking. And scremed "THEY'RE HERE" I went to the window and there in the front yard was a few deer eating the food. How special to go to bed knowing that the "reindeer" ate the food you left for them.....even if they aren't Santa's reindeer.

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