Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The Park With Luke

On Friday after we picked Taylor up at school we found an awesome little park which I loved it didn't have rocks except by the swing which we didn't go on. The ground was completely rubberized it was so nice not to have work about skinned knees, or sand or rocks in there shoes. They had a little Pirate there you can put your head through it was cute.

They had lots of slides there 2 large ones which Taylor is on.
One medium is the one that Luke is on which he loved a lot more than the swings earlier in the day.
The small one is the Eastynn is on she is the opposite of Luke. She doesn't like the slide but she loves the swings.

Finally all the kids really liked the 4 man teeter totter a lot different than the ones we had as kids I think a lot safer. I would have liked to have some rubber ground under me on the ones I went on when I was little.

We came home and Daniel and Linda came over for supper. They all played some wii. I gave Luke and Eastynn a bath, Luke is way different then my girls but I got him clean. I usually give the girls quite a warm bath so I didn't want it to be to cold for Luke and think I made it to cold. So I didn't keep him in very long.

It was sad to see them go on Saturday but will see them again in just a few weeks for Luke's first birthday.

That's all for now

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