Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Eastynn's Gymnastics

These pictures are a blurry cause they were taken through glass
Eastynn absolutely loves gymnastics this first picture is her crossing the beam she can do it very very slowly now without me holding on.

She also can do a stork stand on the beam, it is so cute this week they had to get on all fours and extended one leg out behind them but she did the stork stand instead. Stork stand is where you stand on one leg and put your other foot on the knee of the one foot you are standing on.

Most of the kids at gymnastics really like the rope Eastynn does it but I don't think its her favorite.

The very blurry picture is of her running in one spot on the trampoline one of the funniest sights I have ever seen.

The last picture is of her jumping on the trampoline. All the kids really like that one too.

That's all for now

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