Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Mommies day out shopping with Eastynn and Luke.

So on Thursday while Taylor was at school Brooklynn, the kids and myself. Went to Walmart, the mall, Winners, the dollar store, and Blooming Gals. I think that was it.
I had to make a return at Walmart. Brooklynn needed to pick some stuff up at the dollar store for Luke's birthday. We went to the mall for lunch and to find Brooklynn a swim suit. The rest of the stores were just to browse and kill some time till Taylor got off school. The little ones well lets say the fact Eastynn is stubborn gets in the way of them having fun, she doesn't like when he touches her or even when he comes to close to her, hopefully that will pass...soon. In the mean time I guess Taylor and Eastynn play together or Taylor and Luke. Eastynn likes Luke if he is not paying attention to her she will rub his head and give him a little hug.
The few cute pictures of Luke is him with his first lollipop. He didn't fair well with it mostly eating the wrong side. It was cute though.
That's all for now

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